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10 cool-out sounds

Like a soothing massage (but cheaper), music can relax you and put you at ease. Whether you're stressed or broken-hearted, the next time you plan to take a much-needed mental vacation, don't forget to pack these CDs.
If the hypnotic jazz grooves don't put you in a state of reflection and calm, Norah Jones's emotion-filled vocals surely will. And even though you may not be able to wrap your mind around her surreal lyrics -- which aren't always logical -- somehow, your heart will understand.
Life isn't meant to be taken so seriously all of the time. Take the pressure off and bring some lighthearted comforts home with his thoughtful, often romantic sounds.
When the going gets tough, light some scented candles, draw a soothing bath, and throw in this Sarah McLachlan CD. Her music will encourage you to brighten your perspective on life.
Smooth grooves are great, but groovin' sounds with a powerful messages are even better! Feel your self-esteem soar with India's "not your average girl" anthems.
A must-have for any cool-out CD collection, Sting makes music that soothes the mind. Listen to this album before going to sleep to help ease your anxieties before the start of a new day.
Any voice that could chill out the irate Eminem could certainly do wonders for you. Dido's tunes have a way of releasing troubled thoughts. So, put a "do not disturb" sign outside your bedroom door and get cozy with your journal.
Sultry goddess Sade is a master at transporting listeners into an emotionally cleansing zone. If you just need a good cry, listen to her hits, "By Your Side" and "King of Sorrow." You'll feel much better afterwards.
The late folk singer with the angelic voice is famous for brilliantly reinterpreting old favorites. Her acoustic rendition of Paul Simon's "Kathy's Song" will melt your heart. You'll be exhaling your worries after you listen to this album.
There's a yearning in Chris Martin's voice that speaks to listeners. Whether you yearn for love, appreciation, or just better grades, Coldplay's music will assure you that someone out there understands.
No one fills music with important social commentary like Stevie Wonder. You'll feel like part of a caring global community when you take in jams like "Love's in Need of Love Today." His classic tunes will get you motivated to make a difference in your own life.

If you're sexually active or even thinking about having sex, you need to understand the basics about pregnancy -- and how to prevent unplanned pregnancies from happening. Take this quiz to find out how up-to-date you are on the most recent teen pregnancy stats -- and to refresh your memory on some prevention tips.

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Health tip of the week:

Do you sometimes feel like you've lost your mind? A study by psychologist and nutritional researcher Udo Erasmus showed that women typically experience a 3 percent reduction in brain mass every time they have a child. Erasmus says Mom's brain reduction is a result of her baby's need for nutrients called essential fatty acids. Memory problems, mood swings, anxiety and fatigue are common complaints from women who have had multiple children. To avoid shrinking-brain syndrome, Erasmus advises mothers and mothers-to-be to supplement their diets with one or two tablespoons daily of a fresh, cold-pressed oil blend made from flax, sesame and sunflower seeds, sources of the essential fats craved by the developing baby.

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