Personal quotes
"There's plenty of days when I'm like 'Oh God, why?' But that's just life. It's every job, not just mine.
Every moment is not perfect. But it's definitely more good times than bad. You can't even compare. And when I'm on stage it
feels incredible. There are certain nights that you know you hit that crazy note and you know that spin spinned extra fast.
And you look out and people are just into it and you've worked so hard and now it's paying off and you can see why you dedicated
your life to this."
"It doesn't annoy me, no, because I respect J-Lo. I like her, I think she's great. And I know that I'm over
a decade younger than her, it's so flattering that I'm so young and people are comparing me to someone who has accomplished
so much. But I don't think I'm like anyone else and really, I'd rather not be compared to anyone else." - on comparisions
to J-Lo
"I wrote that because, at the time, I'd gained some weight and the pressure that people put you under, the
pressure to be thin, is unbelievable. I was just 18 and you shouldn't be thinking about that. You should be thinking about
building up your character and having fun and the song was just telling everyone just forget what people are saying, you're
bootylicious. That's all. It's a celebration of curves and a celebration of women's bodies." - on her song 'Bootylicious'
"Who I am on stage is very, very different to who I am in real life. But I don't see that having a sexy image
when you are on stage means that you don't love God. No one knows what I'm really like from that. I like to walk around with
bare feet and I don't like to comb my hair. I'm always so glammed up and so diva on stage and that's what they see. People
don't understand that... No one knows my personal relationship with God and it's not up to me to prove that to anyone."
"For me, it's about the way I carry myself and the way I treat other people. My relationship and how I feel
about God and what He does for me, is something deeply personal. It's where I came from, my family, I was brought up in a
religious household and that's very important to me. But I understand the mentality of people. I know that people judge others
based on certain things. I know how celebrities really are. I've done it too. You meet people - rock stars, rappers, whoever
- who you have seen on television and you go into their homes and they are regular people, just like everyone else."

"I've had the responsibility since I was 15 of someone who is 25 or 30, so now I have a lot of pressure. I employ a lot
of people, I make a lot of adult decisions, and that has forced me to grow up a little faster." - Beyonce
"At the Billboard Awards my skirt was so tight they had to lift me on stage."
"We don't want the guys to think we're male-bashing or that we're thinking that guys should pay all girls bills, because
that's not where we're coming from."-Destiny's Child defending the lyrics of "Bills, Bills, Bills"."
"Y'all are so cute and y'all talk so proper over here. I love England."
"The more successful I become, the more I need a man."
“Yeah, I hated my name. I just wanted to blend in. I kept asking, ‘Mama, why is my name Beyoncé?’ I used
to think it was made up, but it was actually her maiden name.”
“It’s hard for me to meet someone, because guys are intimidated. They see the glamour and the security guys
and don’t know how to deal. Honestly, even if I give a guy my number, they don’t call.”